Saturday, March 21, 2015

How Military Divorce Lawyers Help Clients Safeguard Their Interests

Divorce cases are on the rise, no doubt. The law that governs it has however not changed much. Because of its growing number, many are having relationships that are strictly guided by law in a manner that breaking a single rule may end up causing you a lifetime agony.

While most people are available to receive regular updates and hold one-on-one consultative sessions with divorce lawyers, those serving in the military may find it quite a challenge. A divorce case may be ongoing when the military officer is carrying out assignment in a different state or abroad. This reality has made the lives of many servicemen and women quite challenging.

Military divorce presents unique issues. That’s why there are military divorce attorneys to offer the necessary legal representation and shed more light on the circumstances that surround such a divorce so that you fully understand your rights, those of your spouse, and your children’s as well.

It’s important to note that military divorce involves a lot more legal matters than a normal divorce. Understanding every aspect of these legal issues is very important as it helps you make informed decisions; from finances, property, to parenting and child support, where children are involved.

Pension is one of the areas that affect those in uniform. It’s governed by the Uniformed Services Former Spouses’ Protection Act (USFSPA). This law stipulates that the state where the partner in the military resides can divide the pension between the spouses.

Other aspects of military divorce include health care coverage, Thrift Savings Plan (TSP), and Survivor Benefit Plan (SBP), all of which should be taken into consideration to ensure that the military officer doesn’t lose any assets in relation to these specific aspects.

For a military serviceman, the best thing to do is seek the services of a divorce lawyer for men Virginia Beach. There are several advantages that come with working with an attorney who provides military divorce services exclusively to men. One of the advantages is the in depth knowledge of the rights of a military officer, the assets considered in the divorce, and a host of other relevant aspects that, if not properly handled, may end up causing financial losses.

Specializing in offering services to men also means developing the requisite skills to argue cases for a man so that his rights aren’t infringed upon even if he’s away in service in a different state or country.

Still, you have to ensure that your choice attorney is one who’s experienced in the area of military divorce. This is basically to safeguard your interests and ensure that the fee you pay doesn’t go into waste.

This is not to be construed as legal advice and does not create attorney client relationship. All cases are different and should be reviewed by a lawyer to determine each person best case scenario.